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Celebrating Arduino Day 2023 at Goethe's Creative Space
In celebration of Cairo Arduino Day 2023, San3a Tech partnered up with Goethe Institute to develop an open day full of different...

Hubiquitous IoT Bootcamp
Last week, our skilled team of San3a Tech led by Ahmad Saeed and in partnership with District Spaces delivered the first IoT bootcamp in...

San3a Tech and Chevron Celebrate the Closing of the 1st Cycle of Girls Make
On September 24, San3a Tech and Chevron in collaboration with the Ministry of Petroleum of the program's community partners celebrated...

Signing MoU with Heliopolis University
Yesterday, San3a Tech has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Entrepreneurship Center of SEKEM's Heliopolis University for...

A Visit By The Bangladeshi Government
Education, innovation, and entrepreneurship have become the focus of attention of many governments. The exchange of experiences and...

Orange Digital Center is Officially Opened to Mark the 6th Fab Lab Network Supported by Orange
With excitement, we would like to announce the opening of Orange Digital Center Egypt, powered by Orange and GIZ Egypt, to include the...

Fab Lab Egypt Participates in Orange's Section at ICT 2021
For the 3rd time, Fab Lab Egypt participates in ICT as part of Orange's section. The joint vision of San3a Tech and Orange Egypt is...

Ain Shams University Fab Lab
As part of our mission to work with organizations and universities to expand their digital fabrication experience; We helped the Faculty...

Greenish Festival with A Twist of Making
Makers play a great role in achieving the sustainable development goals, and this is why we were more than ready to partner-up with...

Fab Lab Aswan by Om Habibeh Foundation
San3a Tech was extremely proud to be a part of bringing digital fabrication technology through the مؤسسة أم حبيبة Om Habibeh Foundation...

10Making by 10MOJO
With the support of San3a Tech and hosted by Omar Yasser, the former Event Manager of Maker Faire Cairo 2020, and Raguia Hassan our Space...

The Knowledge Universities Hub Fab Lab
San3a Tech's team through Fab Lab Egypt took part in establishing a Fabrication Lab facility inside the Knowledge Hub Universities in the...

Virtual opening of the maker-space at Goethe-Institut Cairo supported by San3a Tech
The Goethe-Institut is the cultural institute of the Federal Republic of Germany with a global reach. It promotes knowledge of the German...

San3a Tech wins the rights to manage ITIDA's Top-Notch Fabrication Facility
Information Technology Industry Development Agency (ITIDA) through its "Egypt Makes Electronics (EME)" Initiative (ITIDA-EME) has...

6 Incubators Now Has On-Site Fablabs, Thanks to SEED
As part of their vision in empowering the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem in Egypt, USAID's SEED has selected San3a Tech in...

6 Years in Making - Maker Faire Cairo 2020
For the 6th year in a row, and in collaboration with the American Center Cairo. San3a Tech has organized Maker Faire Cairo to take place...

Hamdan Foundation Empowers 12 Schools with Digital Fabrication Machines
The Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation sponsored an initiative during Fab 15, in partnership with San3a Tech and Giza Systems...

Egypt Wins the Pitch for Hosting Fab 15
Fab labs, the ever-evolving inventories of digital fabrication tools, is a global network of local Fab Labs with core capabilities that...

Maker Faire Cairo, known for being the greatest Show and Tell festive gathering in the region, is an annual event that’s taken place for...

Fab Lab Egypt At ICT 2017 - In Collaboration with Orange
Cairo ICT 2017, held at Egypt’s brand-new venue “Egypt Exhibition Center”, was one of the region’s top technology exhibitions and...

STEM Egypt - 11 Schools Across Egypt
In 2012, Fab Lab Egypt has been working closely with the Fab Foundation team to install on-site fablabs in the first two STEM Schools in...

Jumpstarting the Maker Movement in Egypt in 2012, Fab Lab Egypt has crafted itself quite the reputation as a Godfather figure in the MENA...
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