Starting back in 2012, we have jumpstarted/fired up the culture of Making in Egypt at the hands of Fab Lab Egypt. It was a call for everyone who wanted to share their innovations and creations, and for those who wanted to get inspired by such living stories. Ever since then, our community has grown to embrace thousands of makers in tens of fields, covering ages from 6 to 99, and engaging engineers, artists, hobbyists, scientists, and entrepreneurs. And now that the Maker Culture has been widespread enough, we want to take it into the next level.

We Are All Makers. That’s what we believe, and our mission is to provide a comprehensive experience for anyone in the MENA region to be a maker.​
Our Mission
Our mission is to build a comprehensive environment that enhances makers’ experience, which includes -but is not limited to- giving rise to makers through offering hands-on workshops, educational programs and technical support. We believe that everyone is a maker, but we want to have makers who can create things for a living. We’ve spread makerspaces, the culture of making, innovation and exploration in the community. We aim to have world-class “Designed and Made-in-MENA products”, meanwhile customizing global solutions to fit local problems. We believe that those who control the information control the world, but those who spur imagination will own the future.

Our Vision
Our vision is to democratize innovation and manufacturing all over the MENA region, and to build an impactful community of two-million makers to reshape the industry.
Fab Lab Egypt is a makerspace founded in 2012 by young Egyptians.
The lab is a member of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Fab Lab global network since 2012. It is a digital fabrication lab that provides manual and digital fabrication machines, such as 3D printers, for anyone to make almost anything, including robotics, furniture, and installations. Young children, college students, entrepreneurs, and businesses materialize and prototype their ideas in the labs

San3a Academy is where science, knowledge, experience & application do their work in crafting makers. the Academy acts as the educational arm for San3a Tech through its project-based diplomas and workshops to develop and expand the community of makers and enhance the makers’ lifecycle.